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This area is a general forum dealing with separation or divorce issuses. You may pose your questions or post your story. This blog is moderated by Colin Kennedy. Your post will appear shortly.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Separation Agreement Blues

Maybe I should call this Command and Control Part 2, because for the most part separation agreement blues deals mostly with misinformation. Here is how to protect you.

  • In the written separation agreement there are five points just above the space for your signature.

    These points say that the facts are true, you have full knowledge, you have acted in good faith and you understand the agreement, and have not been intimidated. If you are not sure then don’t sign. Run.

  • If you believe your partner is acting in good faith, then things may be fine.

  • If you understand the spirit of the agreement, and it doesn’t hurt then fine.

  • Here is a biggy: your agreement can not over- rule the Child Support Guidelines.

  • If you have doubt ask questions. Ask for proof of income, and ask for bank statements.

  • Do your own homework, do your own research, take charge of you.

  • Hire a lawyer or two. It is his/her job to make the best deal for you. But the idea is to get things done without spending money on legal bills.

Alternatively, Divorce Specialist Colin Kennedy will review your completed agreement. That's right, but don't expect me to answer the fairness of who gets the two cats and the deck furniture. I can suggest changes to your separation agreement so that it complies with your provincial law. This service comes with a small fee, and you can see the full story at

If you want to share your good news or horror stories, then there are hundreds of people ready to read and respond in this open forum.

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