Table by the Window

This area is a general forum dealing with separation or divorce issuses. You may pose your questions or post your story. This blog is moderated by Colin Kennedy. Your post will appear shortly.

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Command and Control

Divorce Specialist Colin Kennedy.

The things that I write about here and at the legal web site deals with separation and divorce issues. I receive tons of mail; and one reoccuring theme is about control by missinformation.

OK, the letters don't have "I am being controlled by missinformation" in the subject line, or the text body. It's not mentioned at all - because the spouse who is being controlled or dominanted is often unaware.

How do you tell if you are being snowed by missinformation? Listen for words like:

"My lawyer says....." or

"If you go after child support I'll go after custody"!

"Only a lawyer can draw up a separation agreement".

"It was your fault that we split so why should I have to pay....?"

Is it a threat or is it fact? Can one spouse refuse to pay child support? Too often the question goes unanswered, and somebody suffers.

If you have read two or three of my reports then you have decent informaiton of your own. How can you get him/her to see the light. Is it the old horse-and-water syndrome?

Your comments are welcome. You may share your own control issues because sometimes if feels so good to let it out.

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